速報APP / 生活品味 / Smart Cool

Smart Cool





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Smart Cool(圖1)-速報App

Smart Cool is an IoT application that enables its users to control Air Conditioners of their Home through Smart Cool Device. Smart Cool combines technology and services to facilitate your better living quality, enhanced security and energy efficiency through IoT experience. Elements of a Smart Cool Automation system include Smart Cool Device and a Smartphone app with active Internet connection. Communication between Smart Cool Devices and App is done by internet connection. Different Air Conditioners can be controlled or pre-programmed through Smart phone from home or outside.

Supported Ac brands: Haiko, Gree, Carrier, Daikin, General, Haier, LG, Midea, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, TCL, Whirlpool


1. Individual On/Off control of AC

2. Controlling different AC through internet

3. Setting AC Temperature

Smart Cool(圖2)-速報App

4. Setting different Operation modes (Cool/Fan/Dry/Auto/Dehumidify)

5. Speed Control

6. Direction Control

7. Swing control


a) To access all the functionality of Smart Cool app, hardware setup is required in user’s Home.

b) Active Internet connection must be required.

c) App can be downloaded from App Store.